Lower Crossed Syndrome

Lower Crossed Syndrome is an imbalance in the low back and pelvis caused by weak muscles and overly strong muscles.  This issue typically presents itself from having very tight low back muscles and hip flexor muscles, in combination of weakened core muscles and Glute(butt) muscles.  This combination of tight and weak muscles causes a tipping of the pelvis anteriorly(forward) disturbing natural posture and gait.

Symptoms of this issue present with pressure and pain in the lower back, tightness, pressure, and pain in the front of the hips(hip flexors).  People sometimes experience pain while laying on their stomach as well as stiffness and pain when standing from a seated position.  The pain levels vary depending on the severity of the imbalance and how long it has been imbalanced.  If left untreated, this issue will persist and the pain, tightness, and imbalance can become more severe creating secondary pain going up the back as well as down the legs into the IT Bands and possibly the knees.

The best course of action for this issue is to find a professional that can properly evaluate and assess the issue to diagnose.  Once diagnosed properly, one can then build a specific treatment plan that helps bring balance back to the low back and pelvic region.  With this issue our main goal would be to stretch and loosen the muscles in the low back and hip flexors to bring some pain and pressure relief.  Then we would begin to build stability back to the low back, core, pelvis and glutes.  Finally, we would begin strengthening these muscles properly to bring proper balance between the muscles.

  1. Evaluate & Diagnose the problem to build a specific individualized treatment plan.

  2. Decrease the pain and improve function of the issue.

  3. Stabilize and strengthen the area to prevent further and future injury to the area.

  4. Build a Self-Care program for the individual to manage the problem on their own.

At Feroce Spine & Rehabilitation we take a 4-step approach.