Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow, also known as Lateral Epicondylitis, is inflammation in the forearm tendons on the lateral(outside) elbow.  These forearm muscles are known as the forearm “Extensor” muscles.  They help with grip, extend the wrist, and help with rotation of the forearm.  Typically, you will see this in people that are gripping things more often or people that are doing repetitive activities with their hands.  Anyone can get tennis elbow, but we see this in people that weightlift, work at a computer, and have a physical labor job.

People with Lateral Epicondylitis can experience symptoms of pain, increased sensitivity to the lateral elbow, swelling, stiffness, loss of grip strength, weakness in the muscles of the forearm.  You may also notice that it is more painful with pushing motions, some pulling motions, and holding onto objects.  If left untreated this can cause severe pain and sensitivity with a decrease in activities of daily living.

The best course of action for this issue is to seek professional help.  Someone that can properly examine, evaluate, diagnose, and treat the injury.  With Lateral Epicondylitis our main goal is to decrease pain and inflammation in the area through manual therapy and mobilization/manipulation of the joints in the elbow and wrist.  Stability and strengthening exercises help build support and function which helps decrease risk of further and future injury.  And finally, build a self-care program for the individual to manage this issue on their own.

  1. Evaluate & Diagnose the problem to build a specific individualized treatment plan.

  2. Decrease the pain and improve function of the issue.

  3. Stabilize and strengthen the area to prevent further and future injury to the area.

  4. Build a Self-Care program for the individual to manage the problem on their own.

At Feroce Spine & Rehabilitation we take a 4-step approach.