Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome occurs when the nerves from the neck to the arm(Brachial Plexus), arteries, or veins are compressed by the 1st rib, Scalene muscles in the neck, Pectoralis Minor Muscles/Coracoid Process in the chest, muscles or structures in the axilla(arm pit). When these nerves, arteries or veins are compressed the person can experience pain or weakness in the shoulder/arm, numbness/tingling in the arm/fingers, fatigue/tiring of the arm quickly when in use, and possibly atrophy(loss of muscle tone) to the muscles in the shoulder, chest and arm.
This issue often presents itself with people that use their arms/upper body for work: Hair Dresses/Barbers, Computer Workers, and Manual Laborers. Active people and athletes are also more apt to see this issue present itself from weightlifting, repetitive throwing motions, and shoulder impact.
The best course of action for this issue is to seek professional help. A professional will be able to evaluate, diagnose, and build a treatment plan specific to the individual and the issue. A proper treatment plan for this issue should include manual therapy to help decrease muscular, tendon, and ligament irritations which will help decrease pain. Joint mobilization/manipulation will help keep the joints moving properly and decrease tension and stiffness. Stability and strength programming will help improve support and balance to the muscles for decreased risk of irritation. And finally, build a self-care program for the individual on how to manage this issue on their own.
Evaluate & Diagnose the problem to build a specific individualized treatment plan.
Decrease the pain and improve function of the issue.
Stabilize and strengthen the area to prevent further and future injury to the area.
Build a Self-Care program for the individual to manage the problem on their own.